Sunday, April 20, 2008

New blink dagger or lothars?

With the significant changes made to blink dagger in 6.51, a question arises...... is blink dagger still better to get than lothars on the traditional blink dagger heroes? First, let me define traditional blink dagger heroes. Off the top of my head some would be CM, ES, Sand King, Magnataur, WD....and many others.

With it no longer being the "dagger of escape," due to the 3 seconds added after any hero/spell attacks you in which you cannot blink, the creators have taken away a significant use of the dagger which justified its value. If you are a weak intel hero or agi hero, or even a vulnerable strength hero at times getting attack heavily the dagger often saved your life, even allowing you to dodge stuns if timed right.

Now, the only reason to have a dagger with traditional blink dagger heroes is to blink in and surprise attack w/ an AOE ult or AOE stun that requires necessary cast time or a surprise attack to be effective. With the dual use of the blink dagger gone, does the price of this item still justify its payoff?

On a lot of heroes I would argue no. I think the new lothars is better to get on certain, what used to be "traditional blink dagger" heroes. I have tried on a lot of the intel heroes and I think it is better to get a lothars with them especially. I argue this due to the traditionally weak hp of intel heroes and I often relied on the survival side of the dagger as much as the sneak attack effectiveness it brought. With the survival side gone, lothars is a better item in my opinion because one can still be attacked by someone and go invis with lothars to escape.

However, lothars has many counters....gem, wards, necro book, truesight abilities etc... It seems the days of mass blink dagger games are gone due to their cost/payoff inefficiency. Yet, I do not expect to see mass lothars games either.

To conclude, to universalize when to get a blink dagger or a lothars, I would say that if I am any intel hero, or highly weak agility hero I would go with a lothars because I need the escapability as deaths put ANY hero way behind in a competitive game. I would go with blink dagger still on those heroes that are more tankly like Magnataur, ES, or Sand King who do not need the escapability as much as they have other abilities to aid in escape as well. For them, the blink dagger is still relatively useful and in my opinion justifies the cost as it enhances their ultimates tremendously.

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